Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Do You Feel like Your Mouth and Bite are Changing?

Full-mouth reconstruction, full-mouth rehabilitation, and full-mouth restoration are all terms that are used when talking about the process of rebuilding your complete oral anatomy. Our dentists have years of experience reconstructing teeth and jaws. We develop a plan for each specific patient in order to give you the most ideal and healthy smile with optimal function.

Am I a Candidate for Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

You may be a candidate for full-mouth reconstruction if:

  • If you have lost any teeth due to decay, disease, or trauma.
  • Your teeth have been cracked, injured, or fractured.
  • Your teeth have been worn down due to time, clenching, or long-term acid erosion (from foods, drinks, or acid reflux.)
  • You have chronic jaw, muscle, or headache pain due to an inadequate bite or clenching.


What to Expect from Full-Mouth Reconstruction

We do a comprehensive plan that will involve multiple choices.  These choices will include cost and ideal timing of treatment.  Most of the time dental treatment can be staged to allow the affordability of the ideal functional mouth and bite within a few years if necessary.

Once you and your dentist have determined which treatment option is best for you, you will receive a thorough, step-by-step plan which will inform you about all aspects of your treatment and what to expect. 

After your treatment duration, you will be left with a fully functional, beautiful smile that will last the rest of your life. 

Full Mouth Reconstruction

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